Each fiscal year, County Council provides general budget direction to administration at the beginning of the third quarter. Service delivery to County residents is limited by the amount of resources available, and the budget process helps determine which objectives will produce the greatest positive impact and therefore have the highest priority. During this same period, long-range capital plans are updated by administration and reviewed by Council prior to department budget preparation. The budget process begins in September and culminates with budget presentations by management to Council in November/December. Formal adoption of the budget normally occurs in December for the subsequent year.
Thorhild County Budget is broken down into two main components:
Operating: The operating budget is all of the day-to-day activities needed to provide services to the community. This includes things like salaries, wages, and benefits, goods and supplies, fuel and insurance.
Capital: County infrastructure is funded through the Capital Budget. The bulk of that funding goes to maintaining and rehabilitating existing infrastructure. As funding allows, the County continues to fund growth, building new infrastructure and investing in the future.
3 Year Operating Plan (2024-2026)
5 Year Capital Plan (2024-2028)
2024 Operating Budget
2024 Capital Budget
2023 Operating Budget
2023 Capital Budget
2022 Operating Budget
2022 Capital Budget
2021 Operating Budget
2021 Capital Budget