ServicesAgricultural ServicesVegetation Control
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Vegetation Control

> Agricultural Services > Vegetation Control


The Vegetation Control program is a proactive approach to weed and vegetation growth management within Thorhild County's boundaries. By offering information and using control methods such as mechanical mowing, herbicide spraying and weed inspections, the County can limit the spread of noxious weeds in an efficient and responsible way.

  • Roadside Mowing
    • Roadside mowing is conducted to ensure the safety of the travelling public.  Roadsides are mowed to increase visibility along County roads, control snow drifting and assist in weed control efforts throughout the municipality.  Thorhild County will attempt to mow every county roadside at least once annually with at least one 6 foot wide pass on most roads as long as they are accessible and not too steep for the equipment.  
  • Corner Brushing
    • Corner Brushing Easements
  • Spraying
    • Approximately 800 miles of roadside and water management areas are sprayed per year. Spraying happens between Mid-Late May to August/September depending on weather.
    • Weed Control and enforcement on Public and Private lands – Agricultural Services works to prevent the spread of weeds through crop protection and enhanced production, weed inspection and enforcement, education and awareness. Inspectors identify noxious weed infestations, investigate weed complaints, and provide information to landowners concerning weed and control options. Weed inspectors may directly issue a notice or follow the inspection process which could lead to enforcement action being taken.
      • Roadside Spraying
      • Special Weeds
      • No Spray Agreements 
        • Private landowners may enter into an agreement with Thorhild County if they do not wish to have herbicide applied in road ditches adjacent to their property. You must sign a new agreement every 3 years.  Agreements signed in 2021 are now due for update.  Agreements must be signed prior to June 30, 2024.


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 Telephone: 780-398-3741 
 Toll Free: 1-877-398-3777
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  801 - 1st Street
Box 10 Thorhild, AB T0A 3J0

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