Open House Event - Municipal Development Plan
A Municipal Development Plan (MDP) is a key policy plan that communicates the long-term desired
land use for your community. It is a high-level blueprint that shows how your community is expected
to change over time and the shape it will take in the future.
Thorhild County invites all residents to participate in the upcoming Municipal Development Plan
(MDP) Open House Events. These sessions are an opportunity for you to share your input and ideas
on the current MDP. Your feedback will play a key role in shaping the updated plan, ensuring it reflects
the needs and aspirations of our community for the future.
For questions about the Open House Events please contact:
Baily Lapp, RPP, MCIP, Manager of Planning & Development Services
Beairsto & Associates Engineering Ltd.
Email: bailyl@baseng.ca / Phone: 780-512-5818